Fantasy Cricket - World Cup 2007

20 Feb 2007

We have opened up our World Cup 2007 Fantasy Cricket competition together with some fantastic prizes from Codemasters and World Cricket Store.

It also brings to you a new version of our Fantasy Cricket software.

Cricket Web's Fantasy Cricket has undergone a few changes since your last visit.

These have been in the pipeline for sometime now and we would just like to thank all our users who have completed the survey and feedback form to suggest ideas to the game.

Every single response has been manually studied and sorted, unfortunately not every idea has made the cut this time around but changes are continually being made so please keep an eye out as it may appear soon! However we hope you like the ones that did make it in.

So on with what we have included in this update (in no particular order/importance):

The Front Page: We haven't made any major changes to the look this time around however on the front page we have added drop down menus to allow you to easily see which competitions are Upcoming, Active and Archived. By selecting a competition from these lists it will take you through to a detailed competition information page including matches, players and standings.

Documentation: Admit it we all hate reading instructions right? Well we understand and have decreased our documentation to a bare minimum. The How to Play page has been scrapped and replaced with a much more streamlined Game Guide that will give you a quick overview of the game in a summary form.

Those of you that like to dive right in haven't been forgotten either. When you first log in to a newly registered account there is a Getting Started information box to get you going, and then every page has a sentence or two to explain the page and what you can do.

Modifications: A lot of you didn't like the transfer system of one change every five days ? So guess what? We changed it. Transfers are now set as a competition limit (varies on each competition) so if you want to make all your changes after one game feel free or spread them out over time. It's entirely up to you and after all you are the manager.

Captains: We have added the feature of selecting a Captain. Your Captain will score double points on everything they earn, oh yeah nearly forgot they will also lose double the points if applicable.

Match In Progress: How many times have you logged in to change a player only to be greeted by this message? Well we have a double change for you here to make life much more bearable!

Firstly an automated modification disabler has been introduced so that you'll be able to make modifications right up until the scheduled start of play. Please don't e-mail us though if a match is a delayed start, we can control a lot but even mother nature is a tad beyond us at the moment!

Secondly each competition is now completely separately controlled so no longer will an ODI match in progress in one competition hamper your changes to an ODI team in another competition.

User Leagues: A few changes have been made around the Users Leagues when you create a new league you have the option of making it either Public or Private.

Public Leagues: Once created anyone can join your league by simply adding him or herself to it in the standings page or the league manager can e-mail/post the league code.

Private Leagues: These are invitational only; only the league manager can decide who joins these leagues by sending the league code out to people. These leagues are also different in that they are now completely private with the standings only showing in the participants logged in area (Main Menu).

Hall of Fame: You've won one of our competitions but are you truly the best manager ever to play the game? Find out here, any user to have won more than two medals in the global competitions since its creation will be listed in this table. Note that the table is sorted on Gold Medals won (then Silver > Bronze).

FAQ: To help you out with problems and questions quickly the FAQ page has been improved with a lot more content than before, if this page can't help you please use the feedback form to contact a member of the Fantasy Cricket team.

Main Menu: Within the logged in area the Main Menu has been updated with extra information to aid you in selecting your team ? Latest news for each active competition is displayed at the top of the page to let you know the important information, such as injuries, new players etc.

Overall Team History: Take a trip down memory lane and view every single team you have ever created and see just how well they performed, also on the page is a quick snap of where you finished in the standings.

Obviously we can't list all of the changes we have made otherwise you'll never get to play the game, but it's safe to say that there are many more for you to discover as you play.

We appreciate all of comments and suggestions made in the forum and we hope that you enjoy this version of Fantasy Cricket just as much as you did the originals; and keep an eye out for new additions in the coming months.