Fantasy Cricket - Patch Release

13 Mar 2007

Firstly thank-you all for signing up and we wish you all the very best of luck in the World Cup competition!

Don't forget that unlimited modifications ends when the competition is disabled for the start of the opening game between the West Indies and Pakistan - Your then only have 20 modifications available to you for the Whole of the World Cup competition (Groups, Super 8's & Finals).

Now onto the main reason for this update - The fantasy cricket team would like to make you aware of a few changes to the software that will affect your game play for the upcoming World Cup competition. Due to public demand we have decided to add and amend a few of features to the game, including:

  • User League management
  • User Details fully modifiable
  • Delete leagues
  • Faster loading times
  • Make teams publicly viewable
  • Change Team name
  • Easier view of user leagues
  • Table Format

    We'll run through these in a bit of detail to fill you in on the benefits.

    User League Management: It's your league so why shouldn't you be able to manage it! - The User League management is accessible via your main menu and will allow you to control pretty much all aspects of your league including:

  • Change Competition Name
  • Change Competition Description
  • Change League Type
  • Delete The User League
  • Delete Teams From Your League
  • Notifying Managers Of Deletion - If you delete a manager from one of your leagues this options allows you to be polite and inform them that you have done so.

    User Details Fully Modifiable: Everything in your user profile is now editable (expect your username) meaning you can now change the following details.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Occupation
  • Password
  • E-Mail
  • Country
  • Team Support
  • Receive Newsletter

    Delete Leagues: Within the User League Management menu you can select to delete the whole competition - Your need to use this feature if you are the only manager in the competition or if you decided you no longer wish to have the league running.

    Faster loading Times: We haven't actually had any feedback on this, but we felt the loading times of some of the pages wasn't satisfactory so have made some changes behind the scenes to speed things up hopefully your notice this particularly around the Main Menu & Standings pages but not inclusively.

    Make Teams Publicly Viewable: Quite honestly we were particularly surprised just how much you all wanted this feature, so here it is.

    However we are sure that not everyone would like this feature actively forced upon them so the option is completely down to you the user if they wish to have their team remain private - If a team isn't available to view it because the user has decided they don't wish to enable the feature, not because its not working (we hope!).

    This feature is available on the Add Team & Modify Team pages at the bottom next to your team budget - Please also note that this feature is set to NO as standard if you would like to make your team viewable your need to change the setting.

    Change Team Name: Another popular feature requested was the ability for the team name to be changed - This feature was in the original release however the saving was problematic and this has now been fixed.

    Easier Viewing Of User Leagues: This isn't a new feature but we realized that we never actually informed you all of it to any real degree before, though I'd imagine that most of you might have found it. In your summary of User Leagues on the main menu the league names are clickable that will take you directly to your league standings rather than having to fiddle about looking for it in the Standings drop down boxes.

    Table Format: One or two of you were saying that the table cells were slicing some of the letters off e.g. the tails of letters such as y, g, p etc resulting in some of your names looking odd - We have made the cells slightly wider in the relevant areas and hopefully this should now allow normal viewing.

    We hope that the new / modified features improve your enjoyment of the game and as also if you have any improvements of your own or questions feel free to let us know either via the Feedback Form or .

    Best of luck for the competition!

    Cricket Web Fantasy Cricket Team.