News Archive - Jun 2010
Below is a list of all the news updates from Cricket Web Fantasy Cricket for this particular month.
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Subject | Summary | Date |
West Indies v South Africa: 3rd Test, 2nd Innings | The points have been updated following the 2nd Innings of the 3ꦓrd Test between West Indies & South Africa. | 29 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa: 3rd Test, 1st Innings | ✅The points have been updated following the 1st Innings of the 3rd Test between West Indies & South Africa. | 29 June 2010 |
Australia v England - 3rd ODI | The points have been updated following the 3rd ODI between Australia 𝐆and England. | 27 June 2010 |
Australia v England - 2nd ODI | The points have been updated following the 2nd ODI between Austral𝓀ia and England. | 24 June 2010 |
Asia Cup - Final (India v Sri Lanka) | The points have beenܫ updated following the Final between India and Sri Lanka. | 24 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa: 2nd Test, 3rd Innings | The points ha💛ve been updated following the 3rd Innings of the 2nd Test between West Indies & South Africa. | 22 June 2010 |
Asia Cup - 6th Match (India v Sri Lanka) | The p♈oints have been updated following the 6th ODI 🎃between India and Sri Lanka. | 22 June 2010 |
Australia v England - 1st ODI | The points have been updated following🥀 the 1st ODI between Australia and 🦩England. | 22 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa: 2nd Test, 2nd Innings | The pointsꦜ have been updated following the 2nd Iܫnnings of the 2nd Test between West Indies & South Africa. | 22 June 2010 |
Asia Cup - 5th Match (Pakistan v Bangladesh) | The points have been updated following the 5🌌th ODI between Pakistan and Bangladesh. | 21 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa: 2nd Test, 1st Innings | The poඣints have been updated following the 1st Innings of the 2nd Test betw𝐆een West Indies & South Africa. | 20 June 2010 |
Asia Cup - 4th Match (Pakistan v India) | The points have been updated following the 4th ODI🥀 between Pakistan and India. | 19 June 2010 |
Asia Cup - 3rd Match (Sri Lanka v Bang) | The points have been updated following the 3rd ODI between Sri Lanka and Ban🤡gladesh. | 18 June 2010 |
Asia Cup - 2nd Match (India v Bang) | The points have been updated following the 2nd ODI betwꦜeen India and Bangladesh. | 16 June 2010 |
Asia Cup - 1st Match (Pakistan v SL) | The points have been updated following the ๊1st ODI between Pakistan and Sri 💯Lanka. | 15 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa - 4th Innings | The points have been updated following the 4th Innings of the Test between West Indies & Soutไh Africa. | 14 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa - 3rd Innings | The points have been updated following the 3rd Innings of the Test between West Indies 🥂& South Africa. | 13 June 2010 |
Zimbabwe v India - 2nd 20/20 | The points have been updated 🌠following the 2nd 20/20 between Zimbab♔we and India. | 13 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa - 2nd Innings | The points have been updated following the 2nd Innings of the Test betwee💞n West Indies & South Africa. | 12 June 2010 |
Zimbabwe v India - 1st 20/20 | The points have been updated followi🥀ng the 1st 20/20 between Zimbabwe and India. | 12 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa - 1st Innings | The points have been updated ꦡfollowing the 1st Innings of the Test between West Indies & South Africa. | 12 June 2010 |
Zimbabwe v Sri Lanka - Final | The points have been updated following the Fꦺinal between ൲ Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka. | 09 June 2010 |
Zimbabwe v Sri Lanka - 6th ODI | The points have been updated following the 6th ODI between Zimbabwe and Sri Lank🌠a. | 07 June 2010 |
England v Bangladesh - 3rd Innings & Winners | The points have been updatedꦗ following the 3rd Innings of the 2nd Test between England and Bangladesh. | 06 June 2010 |
England v Bangladesh - 2nd Innings | T൲he points have been updated following the 2nd Inningꩵs of the 2nd Test between England and Bangladesh. | 05 June 2010 |
England v Bangladesh - 1st Innings | The poin♕ts have been updated following the 1st Innings of the 2nd Test between England and Bangladesh. | 05 June 2010 |
Sri Lanka v India - 5th ODI | The points have been updated following ღthe 5th ODI between Sri Lankaꦍ and India. | 05 June 2010 |
West Indies v South Africa - 5th ODI | The points h🌄ave been updated following thꦜe 5th ODI between the West Indies and South Africa. | 03 June 2010 |
Zimbabwe v India - 4th ODI | The points have💟 been updated following the 4th ODI between💧 Zimabwe and India. | 03 June 2010 |
Zimbabwe v Sri Lanka - 3rd ODI | The points have b𝔉een updated following the 3rd ODI between Zimabwe and Sri Lanka. | 01 June 2010 |
England v Bangladesh - 4th Innings | The points have been updated following the 4th Innings of the 1st T🦩est between England and Ban🎃gladesh. | 01 June 2010 |
England v Bangladesh - 3rd Innings | The points have been updated following the ♋3rd Innings of the 1st Test between England and Bangladesh. | 01 June 2010 |