Additional FAQ: 15/03/2007

15 Mar 2007

Frequently Asked Questions

In the past few days the e-mails we have been receiving have all been around a core group of questions, all of which are covered across the documentation that is available to you on the site.

However to make it easier we have highlighted some of the more common requests below along with the answers - Just in case you was thinking the same thing.

Why have some teams got players that have scored far more than mine and also players that have scored points for players that haven't even played yet?

The Accumulated Points column refers to all the players that have ever been in that particular position. If there was a player in there previously his points would carry over to the new player, e.g. if Ricky Ponting made 50 points and then was swapped out for Stephen Fleming and he made 20 points, it would show as 70 points under Stephen Fleming's name.

My players seem to have scored an incorrect amount of points for the last game, why is this?

Have you checked the Points Summary page? The most common reason is because players also can lose points eg Ducks/Golden Ducks poor economy etc So they may have scored points for two wickets but that would be cancelled out by a Golden Duck.

Please note that ALL players are equal in this competition so a bowler will still score points for a Golden Duck for example this was the generally consensus of Fantasy Cricket members at the last software update stating that in this day bowlers are expected to be able to hold a bat, so scoring 1 run shouldn't be an issue for them.

Where can I view a list of the points that every player in the World Cup has gained not just mine?

You have two options.

1) On the Home Page of Fantasy Cricket there are the top 5 points earners in the little boxes across the top of the page, if you select the more button located in the bottom right of those boxes then it will take you through to a full list of the players in that category and the points they have gained.

2) Select the World Cup 2007 from the drop down boxes in the centre of the Home Page and this will direct you to a competition page listing every single player to have gained points so far. Please note that your need to scroll to near the bottom of the page to locate this information.

Why can't I view my Team and see how many points they have gained?

You can. Simply log into your account and select the 'World Cup 2007' competition from 'My Current Teams' - This is located in the green box just under the left hand menu options.

Why can't I view my team during a disabled period?

You can. Simply log into your account and select the 'World Cup 2007' competition from 'My Current Teams' - This is located in the green box just under the left hand menu options.

The 20 transfers available to us, are they just for the Group stage of the game?

No. The 20 modifications are for the whole of the competition, this is to make you think wisely about the players you want to represent you in the competition and to have to plan ahead for who you think may progress through to the later rounds - After all while the game is heavily luck based, we want the game to have a degree of skill in it and make it a challenge.

James Anderson (example) has sustained an injury, I have transferred him but have been charged with a modification point, why is this when you say you get replacement changes for injuries?

You only receive a replacement change if the player is ruled out of the whole competition - The whole time that the player remains in the squad he has the potential chance to play again so counts as a normal change.

I have made one modification but it says I only have 15/16 changes remaining why is this?

Don't forget that Captaincy changes count as 4 modifications - This is because the captain who scores double points (and loses double) is a high influence player in your team as such if you change them they will cost you more.

If I go into modify my team if I change 4 players does this count as 1 modification or is it 4 because I changed 4 players?

It is 4. A modification is a change of player for player not the action of a modification.

I want to modify my team but it says that the game is still in progress when it finished a few hours ago, why is this?

This is down to the points being updated manually by a member of staff, and as such time differences come into play with the location of the matches. We aim to update the matches within 1-2 hours of the conclusion of play. We plan to make this feature automatic but unfortunately for now there may be a small delay in the updating of points.

Why are modifications disabled during matches anyway it's pointless and a hassle?

We disagree. If modifications weren't disabled then it's feasible for a manager to come online at the end of each (well 20) match(s) and transfer the highest point scorer into their team thus making them at an advantage to win.

As we have prizes for the winner of this competition this would put people in certain areas of the world who sleep at this point at a serve disadvantage.

Do my bowlers earn points for their batting efforts and batsman for bowling efforts?

Yes everyone earns points for whatever they do within a match situation however unlikely it maybe, so if Adam Gilchrist decided to become a bowler for the day he would earn the corresponding points.

Why can't I view other teams and see whom they have picked?

It is down to the manager if they wish to make their team publicly viewable (via the add / modify team pages) if they choose not to allow this then it is their decision and you wont be able to view.

Other Resources:


Game Guide

Points Summary

New Features Released - 13/03/2007